Friday, January 19, 2007

NBC the Tolerance Spin Network

I was watching the silicone-topped Las Vegas show of fluff when Law and Order came on, showing two Anglos killing an Arab, calling it a hate crime in masks and camoflage. Here is the synopsis:

FEAR AMERICA 10pm 2007-01-19
MIDDLE EASTERN MAN IS KILLED IN WHAT APPEARS TO BE A HATE CRIME - RICHARD BROOKS GUEST STARS - A young Middle Eastern man is killed on camera in what appears to be a hate crime. Detectives Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) and Nina Cassady (Milena Govich) quickly learn that prior to the murder the victim had made a frantic 911 call to the Joint Terrorist Task Force and Detective Henry Paulsen (guest star John Viscardi), who joins in the investigation. Once the suspect, Ben Faoud (guest star Bernardo Pena) is apprehended, A.D.A.s Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) and Connie Rubirosa (Alana De La Garza) succeed in convincing the F.B.I. that the suspect should be tried for murder. Faoud then hires high-power defense attorney Paul Robinette (returning guest star Richard Brooks), who demands the case be thrown out. S. Epatha Merkerson and Fred Dalton Thompson also star.

This crime is exactly what the Muslims did to the US soldiers and contractors, never happening to Muslims. NBC is part of the mind-twist of wrong is right, right is wrong media frenzy of the NWO.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

The petition is dead

To stop aiding illegals, there was not enough funding.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Mexico Moves to Protect Illegal Immigrants

Mexico moves to protect illegal immigrants

Mexicans planning to cross the border into the United States will be issued with satellite tracking devices by their Government to make sure they arrive safely.
It is estimated more than 1 million people cross the border illegally into the US each year.
How many of them die in the dangerous four-day trip across the desert is not known but it is believed to be in the hundreds.
Now, those who get lost or fall behind will activate a hand-held satellite device, alerting frontier police on either side of the border.
Mexican authorities expect to hand out about 200,000 devices in the coming year.
It is the latest development in an issue currently straining US-Mexican relations.
In October, US President George W Bush signed off on legislation to fence about a third of the border, a move that was condemned by Mexico.

Very Important - PLEASE SIGN INITIATIVE 1229!!!

1229. (06-0032)
Illegal Immigrants. Drivers’ Licenses. College Expenses. Public Benefits. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.Summary Date: 09/22/06 Circulation Deadline: 02/20/07 Signatures Required: 598,105

Proponents: Jeff Evans, Mike Spence and Richard Mountjoy (916) 858-8190

Prohibits illegal immigrants from obtaining: drivers’ licenses or government-identification cards; college-fee or tuition exemptions; government grants, contract, or loans; professional or commercial licenses; or any other public benefits not required by federal law. Authorizes state citizens to sue to enforce prohibitions, requires State to defend initiative, and provides costs and attorney’s fees to prevailing party. Imposes personal liability for litigation costs, attorney’s fees, and actual damages on any elected or government official who willfully violates prohibitions. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: Program savings to the state and local governments due to reduced expenditures for certain public services. These savings could be in the low hundreds of millions of dollars annually. (06-0032.)

Elected Politicians and Judges Fail the People, Again

Schwarzenegger eyes health coverage for Calif. kids
By Lisa Baertlein
Fri Jan 5, 8:15 AM ET

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to propose extending health care to the 10 percent of California children who are uninsured, even if they are in the state illegally, and to require employers to bolster adult coverage, health advocates said on Thursday.
"Everything we're hearing is that the governor will propose health care coverage for all kids," said Jim Keddy, executive director of PICO California Project, one of many groups advocating health coverage for children.
A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman declined to provide details. "Nothing is final at this point. Everything is on the table," she said.
There were 763,000 uninsured children in California in 2005, according to the California Health Interview Survey.
Of those, about 400,000 are ineligible for public health programs because they are undocumented or their families exceed maximum income limits. About 6.5 million Californians, or one in five residents, are uninsured.
In 2005, California's Republican governor vetoed legislation that would have expanded coverage to every child in the state, saying lawmakers had not provided a way to fund it.
Last year, Schwarzenegger and Democratic lawmakers supported a budget bill that would have earmarked money for such efforts, but they were forced to remove the provision after Republicans balked over funding the health care of illegal immigrant children.
Schwarzenegger is set to unveil the major objectives of his second term in a series of speeches in coming days.
He speaks at his inauguration on Friday, details his health care ideas on Monday, gives his annual state-of-the-state address on Tuesday and unveils his new fiscal year budget proposal on Wednesday.
About 90 percent of the state's children are now covered, and children's health coverage is inexpensive compared to adult coverage. The federal government also kicks in a substantial portion of funding for state-run health programs for children.
A handful of states, including Illinois, Maine and New Jersey, cover all children through state programs. On Thursday, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer said he plans to propose a budget that would guarantee all of New York's 500,000 uninsured children access to health insurance.
Dr. Bob Ross, chief executive of the California Endowment, predicted states like California, New York and Illinois "will help frame the debate for the nation."
The cost of providing health coverage to all California children has been estimated at around $400 million a year.
"It has huge public support and there's very little controversy around it," said Keddy.
Schwarzenegger, a former action film star nursing a broken leg from a holiday skiing accident, is also expected to announce a plan to cover more of the state's uninsured by requiring employers to help pay for insurance. Some estimates put the cost of such a program at $10 billion a year.
Ruth Liu, associate secretary of health care policy development for California's Health and Human Services Agency, told Reuters Schwarzenegger's health-care reform plan would require all employers to give workers the choice of making pre-tax health insurance contributions.

Like Prop. 187 in 1994 being voted on by millions on Californians and ultimately overturned by a Liberal 9th Circuit judge, Mariana Pfaelzer, and not pursued by the ousted Governor Gray Davis.

Arnold is attempting to give illegals health care at the expense of citizens. He is just another Liberal in Republican clothing.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Left and it's Reasoning

I had a while to think about the Left and its goals, and they are on the surface, very charitable and equalizing, but in the end, it is truly just to cement power to the Democratic (sic) Liberal parties.

The Liberal mantra are terms like "diversity" "tolerance" and "compassion" which, as a Christian, I understand and fully agree and actively donate to charitable causes. The problem with the Left is that the culture is really just a front for Socialism, which is a supposed birth-to-death way of life, supplied by the government without much personal sacrifice or hard work. The work ethic is replaced by a mentality of entitlement...everyone should live a middle class lifestyle by being born, period.

A very direct example of the effects of the Left was LBJ's "War on Poverty" which created food stamps (WIC), welfare, HUD housing and other social services which were intended as a helping hand, not a wheelchair of care. After generations of really not having to work, the body becomes accustomed to not surviving and in New Orleans, people refuse to even repair their own devastated city. The people of New Orleans have been on public assistance for so long, the work ethic has disappeared, and in fact, illegal aliens are working in lieu of the handout-seeking Katrina "victims".

The Left is keeps victimology in tact so the political power base stays in control. Do you think Jesse Jackson does empowerment seminars or learning how to fend for yourself via a skill? The answer is "No" , Jesse espouses that racism is the cause for your problems and we demand a handout to make up for the historical wrongs committed against "his people." Successful Blacks know that he uses the race card and victimology for power, and if people want more things for free, they don't call him on his horrific shakedown tactics.

Pelosi was sworn in today, what a joke. The Left is a faux, appeasing animal that really only wants to move to a classless, faceless, controllable world for them to govern over with their "diverse" policies.